Saturday, April 3, 2010


* Originated around Berkeley, Gloucestershire
* By 1880's moved up to Normanton Yorkshire
* Lived mainly, Altofts, Whitwood Mere, Castleford

Bastin Family Tree

4.George Bastin (b.1725 Berkeley, glos)
5.Thomas BASTIN (b.29 Jan 1773 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire,
   sp:Hester Pegler
   sp: Luciana Smith(2nd marriage)
6.Jonathan BASTIN (b.1817 in Dursley, Gloucestershire, d.1886
   sp: Lois SIMMONS b.1821 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire,d.1879
7.William Henry Bastin (b.1840;d.12 Nov 1842)
7.George Bastin (b.1843 Cheltenham) sp: Sarah Tippett, Cornwall
7.Lois E Bastin (b.1845 Cheltenham) sp: Henry Holman
7.Thomas Bastin (b.1847 Cheltenham)sp: Harriet Meek
7.Fanny Mary Bastin (b.1860 Cheltenham)sp:George Summers dec 1882
7.Frank H Bastin (b.1864 Cheltenham)sp:Margaret Ann Perkins jun 1886
7.Kate Bastin (b.1866 Cheltenham)
7.Joseph Bastin (b.13 Jan 1850-Cheltenham;d.24 Oct 1905 Castleford)
  sp: Appalyna Nicholson (b.11 Aug 1861-Altofts,Yorkshire;m.13th Aug 1883,d.1935)
8.Wilfred James Bastin (b.1884-Altofts,Yorkshire)
  sp: Ann Kirby (b 1889 Castleford, m.Mar 1/4 1910)
8.Edith Mary Bastin (b.1886-Altofts,Yorkshire)
  sp: Alexander Speight (m.1/4 Sep 1906)
8.Albert Bastin (b.1888-Altofts,Yorkshire;d.5 May 1915 Ypres)
8.Ethel Maud Bastin (b.1889-Altofts,Yorkshire) d.1918 Leeds Flu?
8.George Bastin (b.1892-Altofts,Yorkshire;d.Abt 1957)
  sp: Florence Portman (b.1885-Hoyland,Yorks.;d.14 Jun 1967)
8.Fred Bastin(b.1895 Altofts, Yorkshire) d.1897
9.Marjorie Bastin (b.Abt 1919-Castleford;d.28 Jan 1997)
  sp:George Bowden (b.abt 1914;d.5 Oct 1993)
8.Lois Bastin (b.5 Nov 1898-Normanton)
  sp: Lewis Portman (b.1901-Whitwood Mere,Yorks.;d.28 Apr 1985)
8.Frank Bastin (b.5 Nov 1898-Normanton) d. 1918 Huddersfield?
8.Ronald Bastin (b.31 Mar 1903-Castleford,Yorks.;d.12 May 1972 Knares’boro)
  sp: Margaret MacDermott (b.6 Oct 1902-Gateshead,Durham;m.Aug 1925)
9. Ronald Bastin (b.2 Sep 1926-Gateshead,Durham)
  sp:Edna Bartliff (b.9 Nov 1927-Leeds,Yorks;m.28 Feb1953;d.16 Aug 1983)

10. John Bastin (b.31 Jan 1957-Leeds,Yorks)
10. Helen Bastin (b.5 May 1959-St James Hospital, Leeds)

Family Story and Photo's

Yorkshire Family Story

We were quite shocked to discover that Ronald & Lois Bastin had more sisters (Ethel Maud & Edith Mary), and brothers,(George, Albert, Frank and Wilfred).
Joseph Bastin b 1850 St Peters, Cheltenham. He must have moved up to Yorkshire after the 1871 census, as he appears on the 1881 census living in Normanton, Yorkshire, occupation Fireman (on trains). He married Appalyna Nicholson in 1883 at the Normanton Parish Church.
He was an engine driver by 1891 until his death at age 54 yrs
It was vaguely known that he was killed on the railways, & any further detail is still unknown. He died Oct 21 1905, Leafe St., Castleford. Wilfred in attendance, and causes listed as Scoliosis and Epilepsy. (have death cert) The most disturbing news was that the family was broken up. We think Ron and Lois went into Carlton Children's Home, and Appalyna (known as Abigail) maybe put into the workhouse! We all know what terrible places they were.
Wilfred James BASTIN born about 1884 Robinson Row, Altofts, south of Leeds, West Yorkshire. As a boy he used to ride on the horses pulling barges along the Aire and Calder Canal. Later, he worked on the barges, where he met his wife...
Ann KIRBY. She came from a hops farm near Tadcaster, at a place called Aberford. In Tadcaster there are a lot of breweries. They used to also travel the Wharfe River. Castleford had brewing industries too, so they must have brought hops down to Castleford, where Wilfred and Ann would have met. Denise, Wilfred's granddaughter, said that Ann married at about 16 years old, about 1912

Ethel BASTIN, their first child, was born July 1912 now 89 yrs old.  
Harry BASTIN, born June 11, 1914 died Oct 1982. Wilfred went to war in 1914 and missed the birth of his son Harry. Ann went back to the KIRBY's farm at Tadcaster.
Wilfred went to war right until the end, 1918.

Corps: Yorkshire Light Infantry, Machine Gun Corps, and 5th King Own Yorks. Light Infantry (KOYLI) Regiment No. 499, 131258, 1499 Rank: Private Catalogue Ref WO 372/2 When Wilfred came back he went to live in Castleford and worked at the Wheldale Coal Mine. Wilfred died at about age 63 because he got gangrene from shrapnel in his leg. He had his leg removed, but later died from the shock.
Ann Kirby used to work at the Elkwood Woolen Mills and lived at Locklane, Allerton Bywater, near Castleford. She was very good at handicrafts. She used to weave rugs out of old clothing! Ann Kirby died 6 months after Wilfred. Ann was a big lady and when she died, she was 26 stone! Ann Kirby was buried at St Johns Catholic Cemetery Allerton Bywater. Wilfred and Harry were both quiet people, they liked to read. Wilfred used to sit on the step and smoke a pipe. But when angry they would lash out. Wilfred had an allotment at the canal side at Ferry Bridge Road. Wilfred and Ann had a clock on the kitchen wall, it had Roman numerals and a pendulum, like a railway waiting room clock. This could have belonged to Joseph Bastin. When W... sold it to a Pawnshop, Harry was very annoyed!
Ethel at 18yrs went to work at the cotton mills Keithly. Her marriage to first husband Horace Fielding, lasting 30 years until he ran off with another woman. She remarried and had her first child at age 49! A daughter Beverley (now Greenwood) was born 1961. Ethel now lives at Hebden Bridge near Halifax. She is now 89 years old (2001).
Warren Bastin born 1931, married EASTELL Ivy E, December 1952, they had about 5 children.
Harry married Ilene. Her maiden name was Wilby-Newton. Ilene’s father was called George Arthur. Hunt is related on the mother's side also. Ilene's parents didn't like her marrying Harry, and didn't even go to their wedding. Her parents family and didn't like Ilene marrying Harry. This side of family had blonde hair & brown eyes. Harry had curly blonde hair, & went bald early. Harry, according to Denise(his daughter), was named after his uncle Harry (KIRBY?)who lived in Rotherham,he worked on the Railways & had no children. ? Harry Bastin b. 1914, died October 1982. On the way back from a rugby match, he didn't feel very good and went to order a beer, then collapsed and died from a massive heart attack. Ilene died October 5th 2001 from a brain hemorrhage, (she suffered from a bleeding nose) She was living on 16 West St Castleford just down the road from Whitwood Mere where most of the Bastin’s lived.
D... Bastin was born 1949, Castleford and married twice. First to T... Starkie, and had 3 boys, all born in the 1970's. Secondly, to Paul S Hayman, who died in 2001.

George Bastin b. 1892 Altofts, Yorkshire Worked as a coal miner, & also in a pub called the Golden Cock Hunt Street, Whitwood Mere. It had a sign with a red cockerel. George was known as "George the basher"! He had a daughter called Madge. George married Florence Portman, formerly Tolson, as her first husband, George B Tolson was killed WWI. Her brother Lewis Portman married her George's sister Lois Bastin (my grandmother always referred to them as Uncle Lou and Auntie Lou Lou). Memories of George & Florence - (Granddaughter, Kathleen Bowden) says that when she was very young George used to say to her 'come here and I'll give you some chin pie' and then he used to rub his stubbly chin on her face and make her squeal! Florence lived with Marjorie Bastin after George died. She always used to have a pack of Arrowroot biscuits on her side table,and she didn't believe in taking medicine - if she was ill all she would do was eat oranges. She was also fond of the odd flutter on the horses.
George worked as a coal miner & at night in a pub called The Golden Cock, Hunt St Whitwood Mere, now demolished. From the photo it looks like he had an alottment. He only had one child with Florence Portman, Marjory b. 1918 Private Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infintry
George went to war with Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Florence and George Tolson did have children (Benjamin)
George Bastin had a daughter called Madge,(see birth cert. below)

now deceased, who married :George BOWDEN. George Bowden died age 79 yrs, 5 Oct 1993. His father was Italian(John Deprato). They had a son Michael Bowden b. about 1936. He died 30 Dec 2001. And a daughter Kathleen. George died about 1958 - possibly 1959, maybe could have been cremated at Ponterfact Cemetery.
Lois Bastin was born November 5, 1898 at Woods Buildings Normanton. (have copy of birth certificate) She married Lewis Portman.They had no children. They lived at the Potteries, Castleford. Lewis b. 1901, Whitwood Mere, was a Postman. Lewis was a kindly man - a typical down-to-earth Yorkshire man! - who always wore a flat cap wherever he went, whilst Lois always appeared quite severe, apparently towards the end of her life she became fiercely religious!Lewis died 84 yrs, 28 Ap 1985, address 101 Townville Dr, Castleford.
Edith Mary Bastin married Alexander Speight 1906, Castlford area.
They lived at 22 Temple St.
Albert Bastin b.1888 was 5' 6" with brown eyes and brown hair. He worked for Briggs Colliery and; Hunts Chemicals, then joined the army reserves in 1906, Pontefract. Albert Bastin died Wednesday 5 May 1915, has no grave, but his name can be found on Menin Gate panel 36 & 55 (I have Photo)Probably blown up by heavy bombardment, 2nd Battle of Ypres, Belgium 3/1926 Ist Bn.York and, Lancs Regiment, Private Cat. ref WO 37212 He was 27 yrs old.
Ethel Maud Bastin died young 29yrs, 1918 Leeds, maybe due to Flu epidemic?

Frank Bastin also died Dec 1918 age 21yrs, at Storthes Hall Mental Asylum, not sure why.
Here he is on the 1911 Census as FB maked as "Imbecile" and in for" life"

He was admitted in 1910 and died there in 1918. How did his happen, he was OK on previous census forms? Did he have some illness that damaged his brain, have an accident, worked at some horrible employment, maybe bashed???
"Imbecile" A person of moderate to severe mental retardation having a mental age of from three to seven years and generally being capable of some degree of communication and performance of simple tasks under supervision. ...
An obsolete term for a person with an intellectual disability above that of an idiot.
Fred Bastin(b.1895 Altofts, Yorkshire) d.1897, May 22nd

Ronald BASTIN b. May 1903, Pontefract, may have gone into Carlton Childrens Home after 1905? Worked at a Glass Factory as a child. On the 1911 census he was living at Fishergate, FerryBridge, Yorks., with the Pattersons. Margaret Patterson later took him to Gateshead after Roberts Paterson"s death. Married Margaret MacDermott Aug 1925.Had son Ronald, my father, 2 Sept 1926, & a daughter, Margaret, now SMITH in Canada. Worked on railways from the age of 14. When he retired he moved back to Knaresborough abt 1949. He died 12 May 1972 Knaresborough, 69 yrs.
Joseph Bastin died, Oct 21st 1905, railway accident, probably hit his head,as he died from spinal scoliosis and an epileptic fit. (Epilepsy, if not inherited, is due to abnormal electric activity in the brain cells). Could have been caused by eg. a brain tumour, or damage to the brain from a head injury. His address given as 1 Leaf St, Castleford, son Wilfred witness. Death Index December 1905 Joseph Bastin aged 54. On the 1901 census his occupation was engine driver.
Appalyna (may have been)put into the workhouse, then probably Pontefract(Tanshelf) Union Workhouse. We think the younger children were placed at around 1906, in the Pontefract Union children's cottage homes at Carleton, on Moor Lane. But Ronald was taken in by a Robert and Margaret Patterson. Between 1911 -1915 Appalyna worked in Leeds as a housekeeper in Byron St & Leopold St, at an aged care home for Jews. Appalyna died 28 Jan, 1935, age 73 at 4 Phillips St, George was witness.

Appalyna(nee Nicholson), born 1861, parents were-: Mary Lumb b.1843 West Ardsley James Nicholson b 1841 Rothwell. James was a coal miner They lived Low Common Altofts in 1881  She was 5 ft tall, brown hair and brown eyes. She could read and write. Her occupation given as Housekeeper. Around 1911 to 1915 she worked in Byron St and Leopold St. Leeds, for A Jewish Aged Care Home. From 1915 she lived at 4 Phillips St Whitwood Mere. She died 1935, resided at No. 4 Phillips St, Whitwood Mere, near Castleford. A relative told me that before she was married they called her "the rose of Altofts!"

A very "troubled" person, suffering multiple deaths of her children and early loss of her husband.
Below is all 3 of her prison sentences  for neglect of children

Process  Informant                                                                  Offence      Date of         Fine            Justices                                                
                                                                                                                      Offence                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Committed                                            Adjudicated

14 September Mm Bausor     Joseph Basten      Castleford    Cruelty to   6 Sept. 1899  £1.2.6      21 Days Hard Labour                            Fees Remitted
1899                                        Appallina Basten                        Children                                            4 Calendar Mnths Hard Labour                                                           

26 January    Wm Bausor      Joseph Basten      Castleford     Cruetly to   21 Jan. 1901 £1.6.6      14 Days Hard Labour                            Fees Remitted
1901                                        Appalina Basten                        Children                                             6  Calendar Mnths Hard Labour


20 September 1899

No           Name        Committal            Offence                  Education              Rel/POB                                Discharge

1200     Apallina       Castleford            Neglecting  4 Months             Imp.       38 y.o.           No Trade    C of E               19 January 1900
             Basten         W.R.                      5 Children  Hard Labour                       5/0                                  Alltofts             (146/01)
                                                                                                                                Hair Brown            

146          Appalina  Castleford             Neglecting   6 Months            R.O.W.  38 y.o.          Housekeeper C of E             27 July 1901
                Bastin        W.R.                     4 Children   Hard Labour                      Hair Brown

April 12th 1906(alcohol given as the reason for such behaviour).

Died 1935

James Nicholson died 2 Oct 1886 in the Silkstone Colliery Explosion at Altofts.
Cause: Explosion, coal dust, ignition caused by shot. 22 men died. The coal mine was owned by Pope and Pearson.
His body wasn't recovered until  9th November.
J. Nicholson aged 44 years, contractor.
  At the enquiry into the disaster it became evident that three shot holes had been drilled and shots fired. All the shot holes had been badly planted. Two of the shafts had been fired without any adverse effects beyond filling the air with fine dust particles as the mine was very dusty and dry. The third shot due to the unskilful drilling of the hole did not do its work and although it was not a blown out, shot caused a large flame which ignited the dust particles and caused the explosion. 

 James Nicholson was a Drifter, a rock drill operator.

Joseph Bastin had to identify James Nicholson's body. Coroners Report below:

 Mary died soon after around 1887/8, unknown why?

Ronald Bastin b. 1903 March 31st, 10 Nicholson St, Castleford. He was the last of 6 children born to Joseph and Appayna Bastin. By Oct 21st 1905 Joseph died and Ron could have been placed in a childrens home? Later a Granny Patterson, adopted him and moved up to Gateshead, Durham. By 14yrs he was working on the railways, until retiring. He married Margaret McDermott around 1920. Then he resided Knaresboro', Yorkshire, until his death in 1971. Caused by Atherosclerosis -- hardening and narrowing of the arteries -- silently and slowly blocks arteries, putting blood flow at risk. It’s caused by high blood pressure, smoking, or high cholesterol. That damage leads to the formation of plaque. Which led to amputation of the leg.
Ronald Bastin b 1903 Castleford.


Bastin's lived in Normanton, Altofts, Whitwood Mere, then Castleford

In 1891 Bastin's lived at Robinson Row Altofts, where M62 now cuts through

Bastin's lived on Nicholson St., Phillips St & Leaf St. Castleford


Joseph Bastin marries Appalyna Nicholson Normanton Parish Church1883

Ronald Bastin b. 31 march 1903 Castleford

Lois Bastin b 5 Nov 1898, twin to Frank, Normanton


1881 Joseph at High St. Normanton

1891 Bastin Family atRobinson Row, Altofts Nth

1901 10 Nicholson St, Castleford

Great Uncle Albert Bastin WWI
Died during the 2nd Battle of Ypres. This battle is infamous for one main reason - it was the first gas attack in history. It should be pointed out that various British units, including the 1st Battalion of the York and Lancaster Regiment played significant parts. This Albert Bastin died in the later stages of that battle.
The York and Lancaster Regiment in World War I, received more battle honours than any other regiment in the British army. It raised 22 battalions under its name, which while not the most of any unit, certainly ranks up there with the rest. About 57,000 men served with the regiment and over 47,000 of them were casualties. Approximately 7 - 8000 of the casualties were fatal. So you can see that the regiment was in the thick of things.

War Diary account when Albert Bastin died
5th May ST JEAN
Dispositions: 2/Kings Own 248, I/York and Lancaster Regt 488
Heavy bombardment of all trenches all day. Casualties very heavy and considerable damage done to parapets, the trenches in places being transformed into a row of shell holes.
A new trench had in consequence been dug the night before by the 2/East Yorkshire Regt. Just behind the original, the latter was full of dead bodies and limbs and was filled in and converted into a grave. Men of 5/Kings Own reported to be exhausted and 2/East Yorkshire Regt. To have lost heavily. The company of the 3/Monmouth Regt supporting the 2/East Yorks reinforced them in the trenches.
Some of the houses on the WESTHOEK RIDGE demolished by our guns, these were the houses which had been harbouring machine guns. One company of 2/East Yorkshire Regt were about this time reduced to less than 20 strong by shell fire; another company of 2/East Yorkshire Regt were fired on by(gas shells after which the enemy attempted an assault just north of the railway, but was driven off. Machine gun of I/York and Lancaster Regt disabled.
8.30.p.m. 2/Kings Own 900 strong relieved 5/Kings Own who retired to huts West of YPRES. 3/Monmouth Regt (less 1 company with I/York and Lancasters) 500 strong relieved 2/East Yorkshire Regt who retired to GHQ line at POTIJZE.
1/KOYLI arrived from west of YPRES and occupied dugouts NW ST JEAN. Very strong parties to work all night at digging support trenches in rear of firing line as a refuge from artillery fire.
Casualties: about 400 killed and wounded

Casualty - Active Service Form
Albert joined 3rd Reserve 1st Yorks and Lancs 5th Feb 1909, Pontefract.
Personal details:
dark brown hair, brown eyes, 5 ft 6
Born 1888, Altofts, Yorkshire
Age when joined 20 yrs 4 months
In Dec 1914 went to France with 1st 2nd York and Lancs Regiment
14/3/15 Admitted Syncope, Erquingham
15/3/15 3rd Gen Hospital Le Treport France
20/3/15 Convalescent Camp
Killed in action 5th May 1915 possibly due to heavy bombardment, therefore he doesn't have a grave.

Memorial MENIN GATE                               

Casualty: Private ALBERT BASTIN, 3/1926 Served With: 1st Bn. York and Lancaster Regiment 28 division
Died: 5th May 1915 Commemorated: YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Ieper, West-Vlaanderen Belgium Panel 36 and 55
The 1st Battalion, after a month of severe fighting around Ypres (Ieper), were occupying a trench line running through Verlorenhoek. The previous day a severe bombardment had blown in parts of the trench and on the afternoon of the 5th May the enemy took advantage of this to advance in great strength under cover of an artillery barrage. Everyman of the Battalion was pushed forward and the attack was repulsed, but Albert was killed.
The 1st Battalion were relieved two days later. The six Battalions of the 83rd Brigade, of which 1st Battalion was one, lost 4507 men between 23rd April and 8th May 1915. When you consider that each Battalion numbered approximately 1000 at full strength, this is a very high casualty rate of killed wounded and missing.(

1911 Census




1911Census-Ronald+Bastin+Margt and Robert Patterson
1911 Census Ethel Maud Bastin